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Beva Old Days
North Vancouver, BC (Canada)
Alc.: 4.9%
Volume: 473mL
Retail $7.99
A very subtle nose, most of what you’ll smell is the light grain malt and very thin impression of floral hops. Let it warm up a touch and you’ll find the hops gain in strength.
The mild aroma is reflected in the mild flavour of this beer. The malt and grain is a touch stronger than the aroma, making the strongest impression. But if you let it linger on the palate you’ll get a stronger taste of the hops. All in all this is a mild, refreshing beer that’s perfect for crushing on the patio. The finish is smooth and leaves just a hint of the hops behind.
Almost anything will go with this beer, but be careful not to pick anything too overpowering, or you’ll miss out on the subtle flavour.
Pours a very pale yellow colour with a clear body and medium carbonation. A thick head of fluffy bubbles relaxes into a thin ring around the glass.
German Pilsner
IBU 25
Beva Brewing & Blending is a fairly new contender on the craft beer scene in Vancouver. Making their home in North Vancouver’s Norgate neighborhood, they’ve already put out more than a dozen seasonals and maintain a roster of close to 20 regular beers on the taps. Running the gamut, Beva offers up a handful of IPAs, fruit infused Saisons, a stiff-upper-lip Porter, and more. They’ve built many of their offerings to pair up with a simple but tasty menu, meaning their pairings are often suited to real world meals you’d put on your own plate, rather than theoretical pairings. This is a rarer bird on the Club this month and will be tough to get your hands on any other way, so take your time to enjoy a quality brew from the West Coast. The Old Days is a German-style Pilsner based on a Northern German recipe that’s pale, crisp, and refreshing. Serves well at 8°C and can hang in the beer fridge for up to six months.